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Bee-keeping - Ivan in Darja Žnidarčič

Bee-keeping - Ivan in Darja Žnidarčič

Kidričeva 13c
5213 Kanal ob Soči

Tel.: 00386 31 391 451
FB page: @cebelarstvoZnidarcic

Ivan in Darja Žnidarčič, 
Kidričeva 13c
5213 Kanal ob Soči

Tel.: 00386 31 391 451
FB page: @cebelarstvoZnidarcic


The Žnidarčič family from Ajba has been engaged in bee-keeping for over a hundred years. The manager Ivan inherited the bee-keeping from his father back in 1941. He has been a successful bee-keeper, adding new beehives all the time and, in his best years, he was taking care of 150 beehives and seeking the best pasture for his bees. He was a co-founder and, for some time, also the president of the Kanal Beekeeping Family. Later, together with beekeepers from Brda, he was involved in the establishment of the Kanal – Brda Beekeeping Association. Until recently, he was an actively participating member.

In 2010, Darja joint him in his bee-keeping. Although I started to help him in caring for the bee families only randomly, he quickly impressed me with his skills and passed to me a lot of knowledge during the work. Eventually, I took over the position of the main beekeeper in the family. In recent years, we made large investments in modernizing the beekeeping equipment. We currently have two stationary beehives in Ajba.

I am constantly upgrading my knowledge about bee-keeping, I am a member of the Kanal – Brda Beekeeping Association, I also certified my knowledge with a successfully completed national professional qualification for the profession of a beekeeper.

We sell our honey at home, besides this, you can find me at various events taking place in the Soča Valley.

The types of honey I produce depend on the years' harvest.

You are welcome to visit out bee-keeping and taste delicious honey.