Cultural heritage
The municipality of Kanal ob Soči boasts a rich cultural heritage that fascinates visitors. The centre of the historical pulse is the Kontrada Square, and one of the most recognisable landmarks is the Kanal Bridge, which offers a magnificent view of the emerald Soča River. The municipality has a number of private museum collections, which testify to the rich history and life of the local inhabitants over the centuries. Each corner holds fascinating stories that take visitors back in time and give them a deeper insight into the heritage of this picturesque place.

Kontrada Square
Kontrada is the oldest settlement area of Kanal, formed in the period from the High Middle Ages to the 19th century. The first mention of Kanal is connected to the mention of its church (Church of Mary) in 1296. It is believed that the court of the Counts of Gorizia stood nearby as well. The word kontrada is of Italian origin and derives from the words in contrarsi meaning to meet.

The Lukčeva House – Ethnological Monument
In order to preserve historical and cultural heritages that are characteristic of the area of Kanalski Kolovrat, the kitchen with fireplace in the Lukčeva House was proclaimed as an ethnological monument.

"Jugova" House in Avšje - historical collection
The private collection in the village of Avšje is situated in the Jug family’s house (“Pri Jugovih”), which can be reached going along the road leading from Kanal towards Kal nad Kanalom.

Franc Jerončič’s Museum Collection
Near Lig, in the village Melinki, you can visit Franc Jerončič’s private Museum collection.

Museum Collection 1914 - 1917
The collection of Zoran Šuligoj is exhibited at the railway station in Kanal. You can see a collection of things from the World War I (weapons, personal objects, medical instruments, pictures and postcards) and archaeological findings.

Ročinj museum collection
There are many interesting exhibits on display in the Museum, and some particularly deserve highlighting.

Water reservoir Kambreško
The water reservoir in Kambreško is a significant legacy of World War I. It served the needs of the army at the front lines, and also served an important purpose during the post-war period.

The masks of Lig
The Masquerade Masks and costumes from Lig in the area of Kanalski Kolovrat have a real ethnological and cultural meaning.

Krampus is a mythical creature, also called the devil or the demon, and is often a companion of Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas as the „good man“ uses Krampuses to instil fear and give a warning to the naughty children.

Kal carnival
The carnival (called Pust) in Kal nad Kanal is one of the oldest folk traditions, which is kept alive by the local folklore group. They have revived traditional carnival characters from the time between the two wars or even further back, which have only survived in the memories of older locals and in ethnological records.

Kal nad Kanalom Foklore dance group
The Kal nad Kanalom Folklore Dance Group was established in spring 2011 with the purpose of joining the people who the past inspired with an incentive and enthusiasm that the future has not been deprived of beautiful values and the essence of the living heritage.

The Kanal bridge
The Kanal bridge, which was originally made of wood, was built in 1580. Throughout history, the bridge has been demolished and rebuilt several times.

The Gothic House
The oldest house on Kontrada is the so-called Gothic House. It is named after the preserved Late Gothic stone portal on the ground floor but it is possible that the portal and windows on the upper floor are even older.

The Riko Debenjak Memorial Room
Riko Debenjak’s legacy was donated to his home town Kanal by the artist’s son, Dr. Božidar Debenjak.

Gallery - Keramost
The Klub keramikov Kanal (Club of Ceramists Kanal) boasts itself with more than twenty years of activity and has, thus left a huge mark in Kanal.

Outdoor museum Vodice
The area with numerous caves and trenches is arranged as an outdoor museum. On the top of Vodice a mausoleum was erected in honour of Italian general Maurizio Ferrante Gonzaga.

Prižnica memorial park
The Prižnica hill is located above the left bank of the Soča River, just between the settlements of Plave and Deskle. The peak is also known as "Kota 383" and "Kota smrti".

The walk of peace from the Alps to the Adriatic
The walk of Peace interconnects the areas and people and rich cultural and natural heritage along the onetime Isonzo Front. Is it a memorial to all who auddered in the time of the First World War and a warning against wars which sholuld never happen again.

A kabrca is a triangular-shaped pipe made of clay. It was used for "Dehnar`s" accommodations at work, contemplating and rituals. Dehnar was the leader of the "Staroverci" which literally means old believers. Slovenia is one of the few countries where organised paganism survived until the 20th century in the western part of Slovenia and Bohinj. Folk tradition, which was collected by the Publicist Pavel Medvešček on the Trnovsko-Banjška plateau, in Posočje and elsewhere, shows that there were pagan communities with their priests that were still active up to the First World War. Since Christianity prosecuted them it was strictly secret, so they lived seemingly as Christians.

The Bohinj Railway
The Bohinj Railway runs past Kanal. From March to including November inclusive it is possible to relive the drive aboard a steam locomotive (also known as the “Museum Train”).

Neptune’s Fountain
The citizens of Kanal erected the stone Neptune's Fountain in the town square in 1815 with the help of Baron Coronini. It was named Matija. In the beginning, it stood at the opposite side of the square and was moved to its current position in 1937.

Napoleon´s Bridge
At the time of the Illyrian Provinces (1809 – 1813) Napoleon moved with his troops through this area and stopped at Kanal castle. At Deskle and Ajba there have still remained two stone bridges named after Napoleon.The bridge was renovated in 2022.

Famous personalities
Many famous and successful men were born in Kanal. From composers to musicians and painters.

Fishing exhibition
As part of the project “Promotion of fishing in the Kanal Region”, an exhibition on “The Soča River, Fishing and Fish Species” was put up in the Gothic House in Kanal. The exhibition offers a brief description of the Soča River and its fishing area. The main focus of the exhibition is the presentation of fish species in the Soča River.