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Fishing exhibition

As part of the project “Promotion of fishing in the Kanal Region”, an exhibition on “The Soča River, Fishing and Fish Species” was put up in the Gothic House in Kanal. The exhibition offers a brief description of the Soča River and its fishing area. The main focus of the exhibition is the presentation of fish species in the Soča River.


The Soča River, also known as the Emerald River because of its distinctive colour, has its source in Zgornja Trenta (990 m). Along its 137-kilometer-long path, it crosses the Slovenian border and flows into the Adriatic Sea in Italy. Soča is characterised by its deep and narrow channels cut into the valley bedrock. The river has a distinctly torrential character, which is reflected in the extremely rapid rise in its level and in the shape of its bed, with its large expanses of brilliant white gravel. Soča and its tributaries are renowned as a unique destination for fly-fishing, which is the only type of fishing permitted on the river.


The entire course of the Soča River presents the fishing area in the municipality of Kanal ob Soči, and the fishing area in the municipality extends from the outlet of the Vogršček stream to the state border with Italy, except in the reserve. The only permitted method of fishing on Soča is fly-fishing.

Fish species

In addition to the native Soča trout, there is a wide variety of other fish species, such as grayling, rainbow trout, hybrids between the Soča and brown trout, chub, Italian Barbel, souffia and the European minnow. Each fish species is described on its own panel in the exhibition.

The project also included the installation of two more outdoor information panels in Kanal and Deskle.

The panels and the fishing exhibition were created as part of the project "Promotion of Fisheries in the Kanal Area", co-financed by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and the Republic of Slovenia.

You can visit the exhibition upon making a prior appointment with the TIC Kanal (05 398 12 13 / 215 or )

Photo: Lucija Kavčič

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