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Neptune’s Fountain

The citizens of Kanal erected the stone Neptune's Fountain in the town square in 1815 with the help of Baron Coronini. It was named Matija. In the beginning, it stood at the opposite side of the square and was moved to its current position in 1937.

The citizens of Kanal erected the stone Neptune's Fountain in the town square in 1815 with the help of Baron Coronini. It was named Matija. In the beginning, it stood at the opposite side of the square and was moved to its current position in 1937.

Near the Neptune's Fountain stands a bust of a fellow citizen Valentin Stanič, a priest, illuminator, humanist and one of the pioneers of alpine climbing in Europe. Each year, Valentin Stanič Alpine society of Kanal organises a memorial hiking tour called "By the footsteps of Valentin Stanič" to celebrate the memory of this great man.

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