The Doblarec Gorge
Doblarec (Perilo) is the strongest right affluent of the Soča River, in its middle flow.

Doblarec (Perilo) is the strongest right affluent of the Soča River, in its middle flow. A quick deepening of the Soča River in the Quaternary has lowered its erosion base, due to which it has excavated a gorge where several picturesque waterfalls can be found. The waterfalls can also be found by the affluent. Right behind the confluence with the Lepenka Stream, Doblarec has carved a deep, tight gorge in the limestone. The gorge narrows into 25-30 metres deep beds under the bridge towards Kolar. The gorge, its beds and waterfalls are visible from the road which runs by the stream, although access to the stream or its beds is dangerous in some places.
The Doblarca Gorge is recorded at the Institute of Natural and Cultural Heritage in Nova Gorica.
Avtor fotografij: Damijan Simčič, ZOSO