Marija Snežna Pilgrim's church
It is situated in the Nadavče hamlet, has many interesting details in its interior, but also, when looking from the outside it is an imposing building with a separate bell tower, which is thought to have been built on the remains of a former Roman tower.

Location: Nadavče
It is situated in the Nadavče hamlet, has many interesting details in its interior, but also, when looking from the outside it is an imposing building with a separate bell tower, which is thought to have been built on the remains of a former Roman tower. The church presbytery dates back to 1515. Dating back to nearly the same time are statues, which belonged to the altar in the Gothic style, while the marble altar in a form of front gate dates back to 1701, and altars in the aisle are from the 17th century. The remains of the painting in the aisle were produced by Jernej from Loke in 1530.armo risale all'anno 1701, mentre l'altare nella navata è del XVII.secolo. I resti dei dipinti nella navata (1530) sono opera di Jernej from Loke.